Eliza Dove has been sick.
Sick, sick, sick.
I hate it when my babies get sick. My heart breaks for them.
Eliza is a trooper, though. She tried her best to flash us a smile every now and then. She tried to eat. She didn't cry too much when she would throw-up. But the baths... the million and one baths she had to endure.... they got to her.
Eliza has issues with running water. And by issues, I mean, she hates it. Poor thing, when she would throw-up she would inevitably end up with it all over her body. In that instance, the drawing of a luxurious bath was not forefront in my mind. So, into the bath she would go, running water and all.
And then the screaming would ensue. Believe me when I say, it was as torturous for me as it was for her.
Little 'Liza-Lu started to perk up a bit yesterday after her afternoon nap. I was happy to see her face break into that sunshiny smile I love so much. She even belly laughed last night while I was getting her dressed into some pajamas.
The serious face that she sports while sick is a thing of the past. And I am so glad! I sure was missing my sunshine girl.
But now... Judah is complaining of his tummy.
Summer... HURRY UP!
Here's a little live Eliza for you... Beware, the high five at the end may slay you with it's cuteness!
Poor Eliza - I'm glad she's feeling better. That video is too cute!
I'm so glad that sweet girl is perking up. I just love her - I bet she and Henry would get along famously :)
I pray Judah is feeling better by now, too - no more vomit!
Stopped over from 4 Reluctant Entertainers and have really enjoyed your photography! You do a great job! What kind of camera do you use? Anything special?
She is just precious! I'm glad she is feeling better. =)
Yep, I'm completely slain. Between the bonnet and the video...so sweet!
I'm happy to hear that she's feeling better, and I REALLY hope Judah doesn't come down with it!!
Eliza is SUCH a doll! Sorry she's been sick! Poor little peanut.
what a sweetie! i'm so glad she's feeling better!
Oh she is so cute! I could just eat her right up!! Hard to believe she's big enough to be walking already. I remember being so excited to read that you had given birth ;)
Love her bonnet too! Where did you find it? I've had the most terrible time finding bonnets for Vivi.
She is so beautiful! Love the high five and I'm so glad she's feeling better. Call me :)
Too. Too. TOO. Sweet!!!!
oh, sweet baby. love her shoes. oh, and yes, I was SLAIN (right spelling?) w/her cuteness :)
those pics could be in a magazine! I love your pink nail polish by the way
I'm glad she's feeling better. Hope Judah doesn't get too sick. She is so adorable. I loved her clothes and bow!
Poor Eliza. But she still looks darling!
So glad to see that Eliza is feeling better...I'll be praying for Judah ...and Eve...that this nasty thing passes them by!
Ohhhh, she's so sweet! I'm glad she's feeling better! Andrea, could you tell me please where you found that sweet baby bonnet? I've been looking for one for my baby. Thanks!
hi andrea, i really enjoy your photography style and was wondering what kind of magic do you do to "age" your photos? i've been playing around with colors in photoshop, but curious if you'd share your secret?
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