Re-enlistment Day
Daniel re-enlisted in the United States Air Force for another 4 years, bright and early this morning. It has been nearly nine years so far. It was a really nice ceremony with his Group Commander, his Squadron Commander, his boss, and Daniel's office partner. The kids and I were there as well, of course. The last time he enlisted he was in a bucket truck way up in the sky, so I never heard the words they say to each other; this time I heard them, they are so solemn. What a dedication of a life, what a good life it is.
I am very proud of my husband; such a wise decision to make, joining the Air Force at the tender age of 17. To think, if we wanted to, he could retire at 37 years of age. 37! So young. I have no idea what our lives will look like at that point, nor do I really need to know. We just keep taking the steps in front of us, making the wisest, best, and most adventurous decisions we can with our present, and future in mind.
So, won't you congratulate Daniel on his re-enlistment? He is an incredible Airman.

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