Pizza Night
Eve's book of choice right now is The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza. This book has been all she has wanted to read for a couple of weeks now - I think it's fairly safe to say I could quote large portions verbatim. It's a good thing it's really cute and has fantastic pictures. I think I notice something new every time I read it. And that's saying a lot!

In an effort to make this evening special, we pretended like Eve was the little red hen and made pizza. When Daniel and I asked Eve what she wanted for her pizza toppings she came up with mozzarella, pineapple, and hotdogs! To each their own is my mantra. So, off to the health food store we went for the hotdogs and some other pizza toppings since Daniel and I weren't really digging that combination of food for our own pizzas. Eve had such a blast making her pizza - she kept saying how it was "just right". I am sure glad she thought so!
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