Wordless Wednesday With a Twist: Vintage
This weeks theme is "Vintage." As you know, I am a sucker for all things vintage. But especially old hot rods. I love them deeply.

Perhaps the love was formed by my father's stories of his cars back in his younger years. He would regale us kids with stories of how he and his brothers would race on the airstrip behind his childhood home. Or maybe it's because I have a wild side and a hot rod fits in just perfectly with that part of me.

Whatever it is, seeing this car around town stirred up that fire. Let me tell you... it's smokin' hot. Sah-mokin' hot. And it's red, and we all know how I feel about red.

I knew this car was my vintage picture. It's my wild side exposed.

I'd be remiss if I failed to mention my dress. It, too, is true vintage. I bought it at a garage sale when I was thirteen. I've worn it every summer since; it's my favorite piece of clothing. This dress is old, original, and perfect. And it was made for me, and only me.

This car would look so good on me...

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