An Age-Old Lesson for a Four year Old
"Mamma, my head looks like a clown!"

Eve learned a crucial lesson last night; one women have been learning for centuries, really. The lesson was this: there are times you will have to look quite ugly for a small, little while to ultimately look gorgeous.

And look gorgeous Eve absolutely will. Today is her debut as flower girl in Leigh's wedding. Let me just tell you she takes her job seriously. At the rehearsal last night she used every single petal they had placed in her basket. She is nothing, if not thorough.

You know, it's funny - as I watched her start to walk down the aisle practicing for her part in the wedding, my heart twinged a bit. I wasn't really expecting that to happen, it's not as if she is the bride.
Must be my mind's eye could see that being her someday and it made my heart hurt. Daniel said he felt the same way, except he was thinking - just wait until tomorrow when she walks down the aisle with her beautiful white dress on.

These thoughts make me want to run, grab her, and hold her tight in my arms forever.

If only I really could.
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