Week 2 of Real Life at the Hubs...

I am joining in with Jessica over at Farm Fresh for a another glimpse into my real life. This week she asked for junk drawer, favorite jewelry, from whence I blog, and my best feature.

Real life... Let's have it!

First off my junk drawer. I don't actually have one. I swore that in this house there would be no junk drawer because the one I had in Vermont was so embarrassing. This is a drawer where I keep stationary and stamps, along with a random roll of packaging tape. It's as close to a junk drawer as I will allow myself.

If you are feeling entirely jipped I will show you our cupboard filled with random stuff. I hate random stuff...

Feel better?

From whence I blog...

Usually I blog here because it's either early, early morning or very late at night

But, if I blog during the day I do have a computer in my kitchen, which thanks to my husband is "wireless." It's also huge, and is awesome for following a recipe off of because I can turn it around to face my counter top. I just pick up my mouse and keyboard, bring it over to the other side and away I cook!

My favorite piece of jewelry...

This was simple. It's my wedding set. Every time I look at it I am reminded of Daniel's love. I couldn't imagine any thing better.
Eve wanted to help with this picture. She'll take any and every opportunity to wear my rings. She tried to talk me into letting her wear my wedding dress too... I nearly caved.

Lastly, my best feature...

I'd have to say that it's my hair. It's got the perfect amount of curl, it straightens like a dream, and of course it's flamin' red.

This wraps up another edition of Real Life hosted by Jessica. Go check other Real Life posts out, and say hi to Jessica. I wish we could be BFF's, she is my kind of girl!
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