He's Two. So Very, Very Two.
Judah is all sweetness, except when he's not.


Truly, he is our loving, thoughtful, sensitive, snuggle bug, but all boy... boy. It's tough to keep the manliness when surrounded by girls, but he's learning.

Got his car? Check.


Hate to be scrubbed? Check.

Growl like a lion to make your sister scream? Check.

Throw every toy onto the ground just to hear it make a loud noise? Check.

Tackle your sister and slam her onto the ground? Check.

Love pink cake, waffles, bikes? Check. Oops.

It's a work in progress, but he's doing pretty good, I'd say.


It's so fun to watch Judah's personality develop. He's not strong-willed but he is stubborn (um, not like anyone else I know.) and he really loves to see if the boundaries we have laid down are firm. They are. But he sure does like running into the wall that is Mama and Daddy.


Today Judah had the option to obey or to receive a discipline. His answer was "No thanks! No dis-pline, Mama." Such good manners! The choices, well, those are not always so good. But boy! do we celebrate when good choices are made!

I am looking forward to seeing who Judah is in a couple of years. "Two" has been tough; between the communication barrier, figuring out that he isn't the baby anymore, and discovering that he is his very own person who can have opinions and lots of them... it's been a little bumpy. But, I'd go on this ride with him any day. Judah is love, love, love. And he is one cherished little boy.

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