Hey Mama! I'm not so sure about this... Did you notice she has roller skates on?
I've been thinking on it and thinking on it. Finally, I decided why the heck not. I ordered three Bum Genius diapers from Amazon last week.
So far.... not so thrilled. Each time Eliza has worn the cloth diaper she has leaked. And her diaper was on for approximately two hours. That seems short to me, though I do understand cloth diapers won't hold as much for as long as disposables. If I was bored, sitting around twittling my thumbs just wishing for some laundry to pile up so I could wash it and give myself something to do already, the leaking would be an okay thing. But, I'm not bored and I have dirty laundry coming out of my ears. Besides all that, a leaky diaper is not my idea of fun.
I do like how soft them are and how easy and fast the diapers go on, but mostly I just like the way her cute little tush looks in a cloth diaper.
Eventually, over time, the cost of cloth v. disposables would even out and then swing in favor of the cloth, but as far as right now.... I'm just not sold.
Next up is the Fuzzi Bunz. I have heard really great things about that particular brand of cloth. We'll see.
And don't even try to deny it... I know you are all riveted.
*Post from 1 year ago: "Hanging out with the cool kids who actually camped"
Hey, congrats on giving it a try! I must confess, I had a tough time with cloth at first. They hold poop in better, but they definitely have a greater tendency to leak. You might try a pocket diaper - we use the 3.0s, and I like that I can vary what kind of stuffing they have. Our BGs are the only ones that don't leak at night, and I double stuff them. I haven't tried the AIOs. And Fuzzibunz, I'm guessing Oscar isn't shaped right for them. I use the two I bought and they work ok, but I have to stay on top of them or they leak because they don't fit him tight enough on the legs.
And yeah, you do have to change them every couple of hours. It took some getting used to, but I've got a system going now. I haven't used a disposable in months, and I don't miss them.
One more tip - go to Diaperswappers.com. Their forums are fantastic; you'll learn anything you ever wanted to know there. Leaking is sometimes caused by the type of detergent you use and how you use it because of build up.
Ok, gonna stop now. I'm totally hooked, and I love it when I see people try cloth! I so wish I'd done this sooner.
Hi - coming out of lurking to comment =)
I'm a cloth diaperer from the start. I've just graduated my first (3.5) out of them about a month ago, and my second (21 mo) is still in them. We use disposables when we travel or are out and about, so I've done both.
I love fuzzibunz. If they weren't so freaking expensive, I would have used them exclusively with my son. My daughter got more of them and had her brother's hand-me-downs, and they have been great. We have some other WAHM diapers that are pretty good, I've used the old prefolds and pins/cover... but personally I feel fuzzibunz are the way to go. I hope they work out for you - personally they're still my choice for overnight, even having brought a handful along when we visit family for her overnight diaper!
Hey, thanks for this post. I understand how everything is shooting up in price, and can appreciate a good cloth diaper. Not to mention how good it is for the environment.
This is something I will definitely be looking into when I have my children...in like 8 years, that is.
Way too cute of pictures. I love that little butt too :)
And just looking at your post from a year ago. oh my goodness! That was such fun and it was so nice to see the girls together. I can't wait for November! Miss you guys!
Cloth diapers are great! And my kids can go just as long in cloth as they can in disposables. You want DSQ prefold diapers and pins and a bunch of good covers. My favorite right now, and it changes now and then, is the Bummis Super Whisper Wrap. Prowraps are great, too, as are Litewraps, or old fashioned pull-up pants in nylon. It's easy, it's good for baby, and - most importantly - they work great!
(Email me or search for cloth diapers in my blog. I've written a lot about it!)
Glad you are brave enough to give it a try. I saw a new brand on the today show and thought about it b/c of going green and all. But too afraid of the leaking...Will has a lot of explosions to say the least.
I am sure their little bums do look cute in cloth diapers though.
Such adorable pics as always!
Hey I guess it was a good thought...but I'm with you more laundry only adds more havoc over here....your girls look adorable. Hope this week is restful for you.
delurking, too...I switched to cloth last month and it's worked out great for us so far. No leaking issues (I used the Bum Genius 3.0). I thought all the washing would be a pain, but it's not bad at all and I have a system down now.
Sorry it didn't go so well for you...maybe you just need to find the right cloth diaper? And I totally agree, cloth diapered rumps are the cutest.
I am riveted by cd'ing, actually ;) Mairi never wore a sposie, and I've tried probably 75% of the cloth dipes out there-that are pockets and AIOs, that is. I don't do fitteds/prefolds and covers, too lazy ;)
My biggest advice is to not buy all of one brand (even three is a lot!) b/c no matter what ANYONE says or raves about any one dipe, until you try it, you have no idea how it'll work on E, kwim? Also there are dipes that are much better for heavy wetters, which it seems E might be. Pockets are great b/c you can adjust the absorbancy.
Try very babies. I adore them, they have vb pockets and AIOs. Diaperswappers is a great site, you can try and buy cheaply til you find what works for you.
I use Fuzzi Bunz and love them! Although, yeah leaking will happen if you don't change often enough. You'll figure out how often you have to change them. They are great but there is definitely a learning curve!
I've wanted to try Pocket Change diapers, no pulling out the insert after you change.
I am riveted!
Good luck! I really wanted to use cloth also. We tried Fuzzi Bunz on Isaac as an infant & he was just too heavy of a wetter. I kept adding more wicking layers & soon he started looking like he had clown pants on. Poor kiddo. Even when it was just one kid I wasn't sitting around hoping for more laundry to do- so on to disposables we went :(
To the commenter who said her son has too many blowouts - I actually switched to cloth because my little guy blew out of every disposable I put him in. And I'm not exaggerating. Cloth diapers hold POOP in a ton better than disposables. It's rare we have problems now. It's the PEE that will more likely leak. Personally, I'd rather throw pee'd on clothes in the washer than poopy ones because there is no stain fighting involved. It's made my life a lot easier, even accounting for the diaper washing.
The trick is finding one that fits your baby right, and then adjusting the absorbancy until you find something that works for him or her. I can put in a properly stuffed BG 3.0 on my little one and he can wear it for four hours or so without a leak, which is why it's our nighttime and going out diaper.
oh bummer! we use bumgenius and LOVE LOVE LOVE them. We hardly ever have a leak except sometimes at night which is why we started using disposables at night. Did you buy the one size or the sized ones? We use the sized ones... i have a few one sized but i don't like them nearly as much. maybe little Eliza is a heavy wetter? if you're using the one size you can add another liner? Also, did you wash them first? Washing can make a big difference... especially if you use the wrong soap and get build up.
okay sorry for the book.... email me if you have any questions. :)
We use Fuzzi Bunz (when I'm not pregnant and nauseous) and I LOVE them! Hope has NEVER leaked poop out of them where she did all the time with disposables. Pee will leak if left too long and you have a heavy wetter. But you have to remember, disposables are a lot more absorbent than cloth and you have to get used to frequent changing. But Eliza's bum will thank you in the long run! You can buy hemp inserts (for FB or BG's) and this helps. They're thinner than doubling up and a lot more absorbent.
My only complaint with cloth is that sometimes clothes won't fit over Hope's hiney. She's a chunky butt anyway and that may be why.
Keep us posted!
I have so wanted to do this myself and now I don't have to, many thanks!!
Can't wait to hear the rest of your reviews.
It takes some getting used to. I use a mix of Bumkins AIOs (which are expensive, but so similar to a disposable diaper!)and prowraps and Bummis whisper wraps with prefolds. I've actually found that the prefolds aren't as hard as I thought they would be. My daughter is only 2 1/2 months old, but I haven't had many problems with leaking yet.
i am soooo afraid of cloth diapers. you're a braver woman than i!
As always, the pictures are perfect! I love that Eve is in roller skates playing with her sis!
How fun! The only kind of cloth diapers that I have ever tried are Fuzzi Bunz. We like them a lot, and have used them since Anastasia was 2 months.(We made the mediums work, since they are so expensive.) Hubby recently changed Anastasia's diaper, and mentioned that we need to stick with disposables for now.Once they are heavy solids eaters, it is difficult for me to put an icky diaper in the washing machine. Now I know why a wise mother of many, said to me that she cloth diapers from birth to 1 year. After that, she said, forget it. I take those as some definite words of wisdom! Blessings!
I'm sorry to hear that they didn't work out for you...
We use Motherease. The diapers are adjustable and they have sized wraps. I never had a problem with leaking, even at night (with a liner). They also are quite economical.
My main problem is laziness & forgetfulness. It's way gross to find a used diaper in the diaper bag a few days later.
Andrea, what on earth are you doing trying out cloth on your THIRD child? Now with Eve, okay, be a crazy first-time mom, but Eliza?? Are you asking for a straight jacket?
:) In other thoughts, can I munch on Eliza's arms for a few hours??
They do take some getting used to. Try using a doubler to make them last a little longer. We use some Fuzzi Bunz. They were the 1st ones we bought, but now I have all different kinds. I really like cloth, but don't use them 100%. Disposables are just easier when you are traveling or are going to be out for a long period of time. I also don't send my little one to church in cloth anymore because the nursery workers look at me like I'm crazy when I do.
my kiddo was a heavy wetter. i used pocket diapers, happy hienys and bumgenius. i found i pretty much always had to use 2 inserts, and this was my secret. the top insert i used microfiber because it is a quick absorber, but then i put a thinner hemp insert underneath because it holds a ton more. that way the microfiber soaked it up as it came out, but since it couldn't hold as much, the hemp was underneath for that added layer of protection. once i started doing that i never had any more leak issues. yah it was a bit thicker, but my baby had softness on her bum and i wasn't terrified of having to change her 50 times a day. =0)
I SO wish I could do cloth, but alas, I am not that cool of a mom. Besides Abigail has enough junk in the trunk, no need adding to it:)
Let us know what you decide. Maybe for my third.
I did cloth diapers with two older ones and Gunner deployed, and LOVED it. I used fuzzibunz, and stuffed them with a microfiber towel from the auto section. Those things can hold a ton! I made sure to strip them every once in a while. I didn't have any luck with the Happy Heinys but i did like the Bum Genius. I used the bamboo ones. I used to dream about cloth diapers when I was pregnant, how sad is that!!!
Thanks for the review! I'd been thinking about getting Bum Genius for our next baby, and it's good to hear a realistic review. I've heard Imsi Vimsi brand are good too, gonna try those?
i never had good luck with AIOs, i started and kept with the regular old cotton diaper (prefold) and Bummis whisper wraps, very, VERY rare for them to leak. and they def held in that newborn/breastmilk poop better than any disposable!
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