Of money and potty training....
Here's a little background to the decision that lead to the removal of diapers from my house....

Daniel and I did a little (read: BIG) switch-a-roo in our budget; we upped our tithe, I got an allowance (I still giggle when I think about having MY OWN MONEY!), we cut out some unnecessary expenditures (netflix), and we cut our grocery money (to include household expenses) down from four hundred dollars a month to three hundred dollars a month.

At first I panicked about the decrease in grocery money, but then the resourceful, courageous, rise to the challenge part of me, well, rose to the challenge.

Because of all the change, we are now able to save two hundred more dollars per month on top of what we were already saving. And each month we will turn that two hundred dollars into Euros. It's good not to have all your eggs in one basket, or so they say.

How did I go from diapers to Euros??

That's how my mind works. It's a wild ride, I tell ya.


Three days ago I ran out of diapers for both kids (I buy one box of the same size for both kids to share.). Amazingly, I didn't panic. Instead I pulled out the cloth diapers for Eliza and the underwear for Judah. I just couldn't go to the store. It was going to be too much hassle. And, following some deep thought while standing at my kitchen sink washing dishes, I decided that I could go fully cloth.

Was I crazy? I was up to my ears in laundry that day yet I decided to make more. Lots more.

Um, yeah. Cah-razy.

I have had tons of people tell me to just wait 'til Judah was ready to potty train; I have told myself to just wait until Judah was ready to potty train. But, my budget said: POTTY TRAIN THE CHILD!

So, I am.

It's going so doggone good!

Yes, Judah has had accidents. What potty training two year old hasn't? He says: "Mama! I have to go potty!" as the pee is running down his leg. That's how he rolls. So, I have to be preventative in my measures. This means that every two minutes I am grilling my boy child about the state of his bladder. And hauling that cute, little green toilet everywhere we go in the house.

Oh, and letting him run around buck naked. What boy doesn't love that?!

He hasn't had any "it" accidents yet. But, being the realist that I am, I know there will be. Yuck.

I bought training pants at Walmart today, and those vinyl covers too. Those are for bedtime and naptime. I just can not buy pullups. If I do, the potty training will screech to a halt. Pronto. So, it's cloth, cloth, cloth on my boy's cute booty.

Speaking of cloth... I have three cloth diapers for Eliza. Three.

One. Two. Three.

My washing machine runs constantly. The whole three thing been working fine but a little tiring for me. A constant rotation of diaper covers... white, pink, and green. White, pink, and green. Good thing I love saving money. I may have to buy one more cloth diaper just so I don't lose my mind.

Ha! Too late for that.

Can we talk about the hack job Daniel and I did to our monthly grocery budget for just one more minute... ?

I have found it to be amazing that I feel like I have more now than I did when there was that additional one hundred dollars in my grocery budget. I may be spending less money on food but it sure doesn't feel like it. I have been using everything wisely. Every bit of food I buy is accounted for. That is such a change for me. I am the type that likes to buy in bulk, I like having lots of food stashed everywhere - freezers, cupboards, my pantry, etc. The problem was that I would stash and forget; or I would stash and not use it because I wanted to save it. Now, I buy food and use it. If I need some of the chicken I shredded and froze for a later time, I use it. The cans of organic tomatoes the commissary was selling for fifty cents that I stocked up on... I'm using them. Normally I would keep them stashed. This new way of living makes a whole lot more sense. And it's less stressful for some strange reason.

Suffice to say, God is blessing us. It is amazing how when we trust Him to provide and give him the opportunity to provide... He does just that. Our cup overflows!

Now, I must get back to potty training my son. Oh, and to the cute pink diaper cover... It's your turn for a whirl in the dryer, my friend.

*Post from 1 year ago today: Respect

*Post from 2 years ago today: Alright, alright, alright
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