What Is Your Passion?

Eve reading behind the big brown chair - her "get away from it all" spot

I love asking people what their passion is. It's a simple question with sometimes a simple answer. For some it requires a lot of thought, for others the answer is on the tip of their tongue. I asked my neighbor friend, who was over for a barbecue Saturday night, what her passion is. First she said reading; I can understand that. I love reading also. But, I felt like there was something more. When she added that she loved singing I knew I had struck gold. Ding, ding, ding! That was her true passion. I saw her face light up, she came alive!

My friend then turned the table and asked me what my passion is. For me, my passion is being in the kitchen; building a menu, cooking, baking, creating a meal, teaching other people how to cook, preparing a table, details, color schemes. That is what I love. When I am in the kitchen I am in a whole different world. I feel alive, happy, creative.

I also added that photography has become a sort of passion. Maybe in a few years with quite a few classes under my belt I will feel like I can truly be creative and pleased with my work. Right now I have fun, but I feel totally unsatisfied. And I like that. It drives me onwards.

Another possible passion, though I have yet to explore it, is furniture restoration. I think I would really love to take a piece of furniture and strip it down, sand it, give it a new face - a new life. But, who knows... I may hate it! Someday I will give it a whirl and find out.

Since I want to know more about you but we can't hang out in my kitchen and talk face to face, tell me in comments... What is your passion? What makes you feel alive? Vibrant? Creative? Happy?

*No post from 1 year ago.
Post from March 18, 2007: "The Influence of a Father"
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